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"[Swirling]" by Jeffrey Letterly


SWIRLING, swooping, diving, fluttering, crazed magpies around the

chimney, like vampire bats, each one sharp and black, soft-clicking

on brown shingles, whispering to one another about the mourning

doves, discussing how often to call out, what it should sound like,

and where to go when it’s time to die, a flannel shirt, a favorite

flannel shirt I lost, left in a hotel, twenty-six years ago, what was

that city, and why was I there, and if I were to say something about

it now, what would it be?

Jeffrey Letterly is a composer and multi-disciplined performer. He was born and raised in the heartland of the Midwest and now resides in Syracuse, NY. His poetry appears in Atticus Review, Bird Brained Zine Anthology, BlazeVOX, BOMBFIRE, Clackamas Literary Review, The Comstock Review, Pif Magazine, Sip Cup, and Stone Canoe.



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